Media coverage on GLOW4equality

Coverage on GLOW4equality's work in different channels; regional and international, traditional media and digital platforms. Spreading knowlage about the social entreprenureship and the work we do is important, to keep enable proffesional coaching for women who work to combat gender inequality around the world.
RIGHTS OF EQUALITY February 1, 2022
Rights of Equality is a advocacy platform for gender equality with a mission is to educate, empower and engage. GLOW4equality founder Sara Carlemår is featured as an "Equality Change Maker, through the work Empowering women to empower others. Rights of Equality was founded by Swagata Sen, growing up in India, now based in Canada and the "Equality Change Makers" is an interview series of leaders doing groundbreaking work in empowering girls and women and promoting gender equality around the world.
ÖP MAGASIN, September 23, 2021
Great regional attention for GLOW4equality in founders Saras home region, Jämtland. Good article starting with Saras experience in Iran, her moment of change for equality and lifts the important questions we work with in GLOW4equality and our method.
Sigrid Strand Foundation each year hands out a scholarship to a female inventor in Jämtland, Sweden, to help and empower innovative women and at the same time push development of the region’s entrepreneurship. A year after GLOW4equality founder Sara recieved the scholarship the Foundation published a deeper portrait.