Länsförsäkringar Jämtland sees their partnership with GLOW4equality as an accelerator for gender equality

Länsförsäkringar Jämtland have been a partner of GLOW4equality since 2021, financially supporting the intercultural group coaching programs through a local scholarship. Anna-Karin Lindeberg, Marketing coordinator and head of Social Sustainability, describes why they partner with GLOW4equality and the value they see promoting gender equality.
Companies around the world are repositioning issues of sustainability and social impact, from the domain of CSR to core business operations. Länsförsäkringar is a group of 23 companies, locally owned insurance companies and economic, environmental and social sustainability is a natural part of the their operations. Their social commitment is largely based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and gender equality and partnerships, goal number 5 and 17 are prioritized.
- Gender equality issues is more relevant than ever, with many areas urgent to come to terms with, Anna-Karin Lindeberg describes. Our business vision “security in everyday life” is the guiding star in both our operations and in the initiatives we support. Violence in various ways ends up with us as an insurance company, and preventing violence clearly link to our business operations as well as it is important for society as a whole. We align ourselves with those who can push social issues, that has the expertise, the drive, the network to do so - and GLOW4equality is one of the organizations we work with.
- I personally believe in those who are dedicated to one area, “one question parties”, and as long as something needs to be developed ambassadors are needed. I see GLOW4equality as that! An ambassador and accelerator for equality. Gender equality has links to everything in society; world peace, family, the business world… the bigger perspective. We appreciate the set up you have in GLOW4equality, the values your social business rest on and the foundation connected to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Through the partnership Länsförsäkringar Jämtland finance the possibility for women from their region attending GLOW4equalitys intercultural group coaching program free of charge or heavily subitized. They have also activated their management-team in workshop-formats on gender equality and engaged in workshops with other GLOW-partners.
- Feeling the engagement and exchanging experiences with other partners was interesting, Anna-Karin describes. Within our own organization it is relevant in many different perspectives, something that was address during our internal workshop with Sara; recruitment, management positions, understanding of the female cycle, down to making menstrual hygiene products available at work and more. I believe that within the management-team, we gained new insights, understanding and commitment in a new way, we know that we do a lot but always try to develop and do more.
Summing up the interview we asked Anna-Karin to describe the value she sees of our partnership and what she would highlight as benefits if she was to recommend another organization to support GLOW4equality’s social business idea.
- The greatest value for us is to make visible that gender equality issues are important, Anna-Karin says. Both internally and externally, inside and outside of our company, I get great feedback about us supporting GLOW4equality and to see other big organizations, giants, coming along is cool. Partnering with GLOW for us, is a combination of own internal equality work as well as activating it externally and contributing to change in society. It is important that we all take responsibility and contribute to a greater purpose. Everyone has their WHY, go to the bottom with that - and ally yourself with someone who can drive change and make an impact connected to your WHY, Anna-Karin Lindeberg sums up.
Another way Länsförsakringar activated their work for gender equality was engaging in a Legacy Event connected to gender equality during the IIHF U18 Women’s World Championship in Östersund, Sweden 2023, a project lead by Sara Carlemår, founder of GLOW4equality. Read more.