Coach Pia's perspective on GLOW4equality's first coaching group

ICC Coach Pia Moberg, leads the first group ever in GLOW4equality’s coaching program. The participants in the group are all women engaged to combat gender inequality and share a mission: contributing to eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls. The group started their six months together in April 2021 and as of this blog-article, the group have worked through two thirds of the program. We wanted to get Pia’s perspective of the process.

- To have the opportunity to be a coach in GLOW4equality is truly amazing, one of my most important assignments. I’ve been coaching intercultural groups for many years, in the business sector, but working with these important issues and these women feels important in a new way, says Coach Pia Moberg.
This group unite six women representing Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Kenya, India and Sweden, each with their own journey, experiences and reason to apply to the program. Issues they work with in their everyday life is sexual violence, trafficking, female genital mutilation, empowerment and women’s rights over all.
- A big challenge working with people with different backgrounds is for everyone to understand how the “cultural hard drive” affects us and joining around a way to work together. Working with the intercultural perspective, getting to know each other and setting a set of “house rules” has been important parts building trust, says Pia Moberg.

Professional coaching a is powerful tool that helps a person go in the direction they want to go and enables sustainable change from within. The key to get distinct result is working with the coaching approach within the group all together. Part of the process has been coaching the attendees to set individual goals, both through “hot seat” sessions in the big group and one on one coaching. From everyone’s individual long term “end goal” and short term “process goal” the attendees have been coaching each other and been focusing on obstacles, options, and resources among other things.
- Some of the women were familiar with coaching, some were not, Pia describes. Working with this group has been great, we have had insightful and engaging sessions working with the coaching approach, powerful questions, and active listening. Since this is our first group in the set program Sara and I reflect together after each session. That has help us to adjust and set the details for the upcoming sessions.
- The approach to unite women empowering each other by enable coaching, the way GLOW4equality does, is powerful. I already see that these women are each other’s resources and look forward to the final part of the program. Coaching is such a powerful tool, trust the process, do the work and we will see great results. I truly hope these women will be more empowered working in their important field, says Pia Moberg.